Speaking of Indian cuisine, many people first responded to either curry or flying cake. When it comes to Indian restaurants, noisy and chaotic pictures from various movies or documentaries must come to mind.
In fact, many Indian restaurants don't think so ‘bad’. For example, this Woodlands Indian vegetarian restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui is not only well-decorated but also thoughtful in service and rich in dishes, and many customers come from Maoming.
Woodlands, founded in 1981, is the first vegetarian Indian restaurant in Hong Kong. It is committed to improving the quality of vegetarian food for the general public and promoting vegetarian environmentalism. The signature dishes here are derived from authentic Indian traditional culture and high food requirements. Each dish is processed by Indian chefs with more than 10 years of experience. Today, Woodlands vegetarian cuisine has the support of loyal customers And recommendations, the customer base is also expanding.
If you want to eat authentic Indian vegetarian food, there is nothing wrong with coming to Woodlands!
地址:香港九龍尖沙咀麼地道62號永安廣場 UG16-17號鋪
電話: 2369 3718 | +85223661945
電郵 : reachus@vegconcepts.com
上传时间: 2020-03-23
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