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房旅会员   发表于 2016-12-05 10:46:57  查看:388  回复: 0 楼主

 Hong Kong playgroup:http://www.mightyoaksedu.hk/ 
For children, the earliest years are essential for brain development. By providing a loving and engaging learning environment, with moral education as the foundation for the curriculum, we aim to nurture every aspect of a child’s development, including social-emotional, physical, language, and cognitive growth. 

In a trilingual setting, our Acorn Playgroup sessions of hands-on learning experiences are carried out in a nurturing educational environment that fosters kindergarten readiness and independence. Our target areas of development include the following: 

Foundation in character building 
Language and communication skills 
Personal, social, and emotional skills 
Vestibular skills, which are essential for gross motor skills development 
Psychomotor learning, which is related to cognitive functioning  


 来源:香港房旅 www.fogolu.com | 提供者:xiaotui123 | 我要宣传信息:加入收藏夹
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