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 Beijing Servoffice Business Center

房旅会员   发表于 2011-11-04 13:46:11  查看:344  回复: 0 楼主
2013-12-26 14:37:17

Beijing Servoffice Business Center

    In recent years ,a new office mode, service office is high frequency in many office buidings in Beijing China .It is called Servoffice Business Center,We can provide a series of business services. Renting by hours and immediate office make it more convenient and flexible. It is managed by professional team,provides international services, all furnished independent offices with workplaces from one to dozens, conference rooms and related equipments.

   We provide a series of business services, including nice environment, furniture and equipments, professional secretarial services, conference rooms and system etc. Clients can use the address and fixed telephone number of the business center to contact with outside. Professional secretaries can do work according to clients’demand such as answer the phone call, send word, receive letters and e-mail and so on. It improves the convenience and saves a lot cost for the companies with few employees or short-term work.

TONY  86 10-57227378/15300099378

e-mail: servoffice999@163.com


 来源:台湾房旅 www.fogolu.com | 提供者:yinxiangxiyu | 我要宣传信息:加入收藏夹
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