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Office Room for Rent

信息编号:2009584192 房旅信息网 www.fogolu.com 上传时间: 2014-07-03 马来西亚房旅网

Office Room for Rent at Taman Merdeka Permai@Melaka


Type: Commercial property, for rent

Estate agency no: 11011

Address: MP 10 Tmn Merdeka Permai

Location: Melaka-Batu Berendam

Post code: 75350

Rental Price: RM350/month

Size: 100 sq/ft

Others: Air-cond

Property Type: Office space


Office Room from RM350 offer now, 2rooms for RM400.

Offer till 30 Jun 2014 this month only.


- Location : Taman Merdeka Permai

- Size: 100 square feet

- Tenancy is Free

- Fully Air-Conditional

- No Deposit for Rental

- Include water & electricity

- Start your business directly without hassle

- Easy move in and save money

- High class cafe and restaurant in walking distance

- suitable for all sort of small offices, eg  trading biz, online biz, virtual office, e biz, soho biz, accounting, agency, insurance, management service, consultancy, tuition or tutor room


Contact Person : Mr Tan

Customer Hotline : 06-2936373 / 012-7700345


联系人: Mr Tan

联系地址: Melaka, Malaysia

联系电话: 012-7700345/06-2936373 (联系我时请说明是从房旅网看到的)


上传时间: 2014-07-03


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