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信息编号:2009593393 房旅信息网 www.fogolu.com 上传时间: 2020-02-24 香港房旅网

According to statistics, India 』s vegetarian population is about 23% -37%, but because there are various 「standards」 of vegetarian food, in fact, the number of vegetarians in India far exceeds this number.


In general, the vegetarian diet of Hindus is to eat pentaocin, which means that all plants and spices are eaten, but meat and eggs are not eaten. Jains do not eat meat, eggs, and rhizomes. Of course, there are different vegan habits such as egg-milk vegetarian, vegan, and \"occasional vegetarian\", \"outdoor vegetarian\", and \"home vegetarian\".


Of course, not all Hindus are vegetarian. Take Khajuraho as an example. The Hindus here can be divided into vegetarian and edible meat, such as: Brahmin (priest) and barks (businessmen and civilians) vegetarian; Kshatriya (nobles and nobles Samurai) and Sudra (servant) are eating crickets.


Woodlands, founded in 1981, is the first vegetarian Indian restaurant in Hong Kong. Here you can taste authentic Indian cuisine prepared by Indian chefs with more than 10 years of experience. Every dish here is mixed with a variety of spices, and the taste is naturally rich and aromatic.


For authentic Indian vegetarian food, check out Woodlands.



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電話: 2369 3718 | +85 223661945

電郵 : reachus@vegconcepts.com



联系人: 徐先生

联系地址: 香港

联系电话: 852-23693718 (联系我时请说明是从房旅网看到的)


上传时间: 2020-02-24


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